DIY Installation Guide for Your New Ring Doorbell
11 mins read

DIY Installation Guide for Your New Ring Doorbell

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Welcome to the exciting world of smart home technology! If you’ve recently purchased a Ring Doorbell, you’re on the brink of enhancing your home’s security and convenience. These innovative devices have revolutionized the way we interact with our visitors, monitor our doorsteps, and even deter potential intruders. The best part? You don’t need to be a tech wizard or a professional installer to get your Ring Doorbell up and running. In this DIY Installation Guide, we’ll walk you through every step of the process, from selecting the perfect spot for your new gadget to troubleshooting common installation challenges. Whether you’re replacing an old doorbell or installing a Ring device for the first time, our easy-to-follow instructions will help you complete the setup with confidence and ease. Let’s get started on this journey to a smarter, safer home!


Before diving into the installation process, it’s crucial to gather all the necessary tools and decide on the best location for your Ring Doorbell. Proper preparation will ensure a smooth and efficient installation.

  1. Tools and Materials Needed
    • First things first, let’s make sure you have everything you need. Here’s a handy list of tools:
      • A Phillips screwdriver (usually included in your Ring package).
      • A drill, if you need to make new holes for the mounting bracket.
      • The level tool (also included with your Ring Doorbell) to ensure your device is perfectly aligned.
      • Optional: a pencil or marker for marking drill spots.
    • Alongside these tools, your Ring Doorbell package includes all necessary mounting hardware.
  2. Choosing the Right Location
    • Location is key to maximizing the effectiveness of your Ring Doorbell. Here are a few tips to pick the perfect spot:
      • The ideal height for Ring Doorbell installation is about 4 feet off the ground. This height ensures a clear view of visitors while capturing any motion in the broader vicinity.
      • If your door has sidelights or a glass pane, try to position the Ring Doorbell so it’s not facing directly into these. This placement helps in reducing glare and improving the visibility of visitors.
      • Think about the angle. If your door is adjacent to a wall, consider using an angle mount to point the camera away from the wall and towards the approaching visitors.
      • Remember, the goal is to have a clear view of your porch and the approach to your door without obstructing the camera’s field of view.

With your tools in hand and the perfect spot picked out, you’re now ready to move on to the actual installation process. Let’s turn that Ring Doorbell from a smart device in a box to a functional guardian of your doorstep!

Installation Steps

Now that you’re all set with your tools and have picked the ideal location, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty of installing your Ring Doorbell. Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through each step!

  1. Removing Your Existing Doorbell (if applicable)
    • If you have an existing doorbell, first, ensure your safety by turning off the power to your doorbell at the circuit breaker.
    • Unscrew and gently remove the old doorbell. You’ll see two wires; carefully detach them.
    • If there’s no existing doorbell, skip to the next step.
  2. Mounting the Ring Doorbell
    • Hold the mounting bracket at your chosen location. Use the level tool to make sure it’s straight.
    • Mark the positions for the drill holes with a pencil or marker.
    • Drill holes at the marked spots (if you’re drilling into brick, concrete, or stucco, use the included wall anchors).
    • Screw the mounting bracket into place.
    • Attach the Ring Doorbell to the bracket. Make sure it clicks into place securely.
  3. Connecting to Power
    • For wired models: Connect the two wires from your wall to the back of the Ring Doorbell. It doesn’t matter which wire connects to which screw.
    • For battery-operated models: Insert the fully charged battery into your Ring Doorbell.
  4. Setting Up the Ring App
    • Download the Ring app on your smartphone and create an account if you haven’t already.
    • Follow the in-app instructions to connect your Ring Doorbell to your Wi-Fi network. This step is crucial for enabling all smart features.

Congratulations, the physical installation of your Ring Doorbell is complete! But before you start enjoying your new smart doorbell, there’s one final step: testing and optimizing its settings. This will ensure your Ring Doorbell works exactly as you need it to.

Testing and Optimization

Great job on installing your Ring Doorbell! Now, let’s make sure it’s functioning perfectly and fine-tune the settings for optimal performance.

  1. Testing Your Doorbell
    • First, turn the power back on at your circuit breaker if you’ve installed a wired model.
    • Test the Ring Doorbell by pressing the button. You should hear the traditional doorbell sound inside your house and receive a notification through the Ring app.
    • Check the video feed in the Ring app to ensure you have a clear, unobstructed view.
  2. Adjusting Settings for Optimal Use
    • Open the Ring app and explore various settings.
    • Motion Detection: Set up motion zones and adjust the sensitivity to your liking. This ensures you’re alerted only when there’s significant movement, reducing false alarms.
    • Alert Settings: Customize how you receive alerts on your phone. You can choose to get alerted for every ring, motion detection, or both.
    • Test these settings for a day or two. Observe the alerts you receive and adjust the settings as needed.

Your Ring Doorbell is now not just installed but also fine-tuned to your personal preferences and home’s needs. It’s time to sit back and enjoy the enhanced security and convenience your new smart device offers. Remember, you can always revisit the Ring app to tweak settings as you get more accustomed to your device’s features and capabilities.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the most seamless installations, you might encounter a hiccup or two. No worries, though! Here are some common issues you might face with your Ring Doorbell and how to resolve them:

  1. Wi-Fi Connectivity Problems
    • If your Ring Doorbell is having trouble connecting to your home Wi-Fi, first ensure that your Wi-Fi network is working correctly. You can test this by checking the connection on another device.
    • Move closer to the router to ensure there’s no signal interference. If the problem persists, consider getting a Wi-Fi extender to boost the signal near your Ring Doorbell.
    • Restart your router and the Ring Doorbell. Sometimes, a simple reboot can solve connectivity issues.
  2. Power Issues
    • For wired models: Ensure that your home’s wiring is supplying power to the Ring Doorbell. Check the voltage to ensure it’s within the recommended range for your Ring model.
    • For battery-operated models: Make sure the battery is properly seated and fully charged. If the battery drains faster than expected, reduce the motion detection sensitivity or frequency of alerts.
  3. Motion Detection Sensitivity
    • If your Ring Doorbell is either too sensitive or not sensitive enough to motion, adjust the motion settings in the Ring app. You can define motion zones and set the range of detection.
    • Experiment with different sensitivity settings until you find the right balance. You want to be alerted to relevant activity without being overwhelmed by unnecessary notifications.

Remember, technology can be quirky at times. Most issues with your Ring Doorbell can be resolved with a little troubleshooting. If you continue to experience problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ring’s customer support for expert assistance. They’re there to ensure your Ring experience is as smooth and secure as possible.


And there you have it – your very own Ring Doorbell, installed and fine-tuned by none other than yourself! You’ve not only added an extra layer of security to your home but also embraced a bit of DIY spirit along the way. From selecting the perfect spot to mastering the settings in the Ring app, you’ve navigated through it all with ease.

Remember, your Ring Doorbell is more than just a gadget; it’s a part of your home’s security ecosystem. Feel free to revisit the settings and adjust them as your needs evolve or as you become more familiar with the features.

We hope this guide has made your installation experience straightforward and enjoyable. Now, sit back and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is more secure and connected. Should you ever encounter any bumps along the road, remember that help is just an app click or a phone call away with Ring’s customer support.

Welcome to the smarter, safer way of living. Here’s to a well-protected and tech-savvy home!

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Armed with extensive experience in industrial automation and engineering, I am deeply enthusiastic about smart technology. My journey is fueled by the patience and support of my amazing wife and sons, who join me in exploring the possibilities of tech. My goal is to leverage cutting-edge tools to enhance daily efficiency and bring enrichment to our routines.

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