5 mins read

Working from home Must-Haves for the Modern-Day Telecommuter

This generation of jobs is becoming less dependent on their workforce being tethered to a cubicle and more focused on work-life balance. This movement is gaining momentum with describing the workforce as Freelancers and Telecommuters that work remotely from anywhere except the office. The first of any work from home job is to find a […]

7 mins read

Troubleshooting: Help, My Device Is Not Working

Believe it or not, electronics do have issues especially when they are attached to other devices and components like routers and their networks. I am unequivocally familiar with gadgets and their errors and failures within my smart home. I do have a smart home blog about tech after all, it’s totally in the name just […]

7 mins read

Setup your Ecobee thermostat once and never touch it again

The Ecobee SmartThermostat has a lot of beneficial features and functions for making your home smarter. Inside the sleek, shiny, black and white device lies some pretty cool technology including a humidity sensor, scheduling, comfort settings, multiple room monitoring, and a motion sensor to name a few. The scheduling, comfort settings and motion sensors are […]